Если вам нужно зафиксировать ошибку в bug report, возьмите на заметку эти шаблоны:
➖ An error occurred when/while (doing something) – Возникла ошибка при…
An error occurred when connecting to the service.
➖ An error comes up when/while (doing something) – Возникла ошибка при…
An error comes up when applying the changes.
➖ An exception is thrown when/while (doing something) – Возникло исключение при…
An exception is thrown when trying to update the app.
An error occurred when connecting to the service.
➖ An error comes up when/while (doing something) – Возникла ошибка при…
An error comes up when applying the changes.
➖ An exception is thrown when/while (doing something) – Возникло исключение при…
An exception is thrown when trying to update the app.